Parkinson’s Treatment:10 Secrets to a Happier Life

Parkinson’s Treatment: 10 Secrets to a Happier Life

By Michael S. Okun, M.D.
Published 2013

Within a couple of weeks following my 2014 PD diagnosis, Parkinson’s Treatment: 10 Secrets to a Happier Life was the first book I read. Dr. Okun’s book was the right one for me at the right time. The aim of the book is to inspire faith, plant the seed of hope, help patients to discover their core values, and use the secrets to improve lives. The book did that for me and continues to do so, since I revisit it annually. Translated into 20+ languages, it is the most read Parkinson’s disease treatment book In the world. I was also pleased to see the book distributed free when I attended the 3rd World Parkinson’s Congress in Portland in 2016. Unaware, the stage was being set for Dr. Okun to impact my PD life in other significant ways.

Linda’s Cause for Pause Passages

“Hope leads to happiness, and happiness will lead to a meaningful life.”

“It is possible to alter the natural course of a journey, and to avoid the many pitfalls that can quickly escalate into a healthcare nightmare.”

“Your aha moment, after a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease should be a well-placed confidence that your journey is not over and that productive years lie ahead.”

“Suspicion usually circles around four main conditions:  Alzheimer’s, Lou Gehrig’s, strokes/brain tumors, and Parkinson’s.” (Chapter one is excellent in differentiating between the four diseases by knowing the signs)

“One of the most important secrets about Parkinson’s disease is that the timing of medication doses is in many cases more important than the dose itself.”

“If your disease is changing and your medication dosages and dosage intervals are not changing to accommodate your symptoms, you may not be medically optimized.”

“Exercise is like a drug and a daily stretching and exercise routine may be of significant benefit….but remember is you don’t break a sweat it probably doesn’t count.”

“The general public may confuse Parkinson’s disease for Lou Gehrig’s or Alzheimer’s, but we must remind the Parky that they are very different and on average have an opportunity to live a long and healthy life.”




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