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NY Times article by Jane Brody in 2015 prompted Alan Alda to go to neurologist because he had been acting out his dreams.


Alan Alda Interview

Alan Alda revealed he has Parkinson’s disease on CBS This Morning on July 31, 2018. Several points resonated with me.

  • He has had a full life since his diagnosis three and one-half years ago.
  • He acknowledged that it is common to go to the worst thought. But in the beginning to be immobilized by fear is the worst thing you can do.
  • Alda has approached his diagnosis with an optimistic, can do attitude.
  • He looks at the disease like a puzzle. He considers what he has to do to adapt to it and to carry on life.
  • One of those things is to keep moving.

Alan Alda CBS Interview

Science Friday Podcast-Ira Flatow with Alan Alda  8-3-18