My Halloween cat collection is in storage. The calendar flipped to November. The time has come to finalize holiday plans. I have always been a planner. Make a plan and work the plan. Schedule and complete as many items on your to do list weeks before the event. My to-do list with plan ahead week …
Category: My Doings
Feb 15
Happy Valentine’s Day
My collection of “cat stuff” includes new and vintage valentines. This die cut valentine is from the 1960s. It folds and stands up. The back shows Gladys gave the valentine to Mary Ellen. It may have been given at a school valentine party. Remember those! This week I passed out valentines to health care workers …
Jan 05
Happy New Year
A Mewsical Party A word art display advises me to Laugh More and Stress Less. This Tuck postcard featuring amorphized cats makes me laugh. Stress exacerbates Parkinson’s. Anything I can do to minimize or eliminate stress helps me live my best life now. Raphael Tuck & Sons used to be the world’s largest postcard publisher. …
Nov 26
14th Annual ABCs of Gratitude 2023
2017 Fundraiser SCC Athletic Department Left brother Larry, me, Coach Knight, brother Steve “Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls sing.” ~~Marcel Proust My ABCs of Gratitude for 2023 In keeping with my tradition, here is my gratitude …