If you only say one prayer in a day, make it ‘Thank You’—Rumi
I cannot be in gratitude and be unhappy.
In 2010, I created my first ABCs of Gratitude list. I now look forward to this project every November. The simple yet thought-provoking exercise is a unique way to reflect on the year. Grab a sheet of paper and label it A through Z. Fill in with your blessings. If you get stuck on a letter, a dictionary is permitted!
Wayne Dyer believed that if you get to a place of gratitude you will experience peace. Be in a state of gratitude for everything because there is something to learn in everything. Be grateful even for the pain because there are lessons to be learned from it. According to Ingrid King gratitude is a wonderful way to raise your vibration and shift your energy. The vibration of gratitude is a powerful force. It can shift your mood and your thoughts from a place of scarcity to a place of abundance.
In keeping with my annual Thanksgiving month tradition, my 2018 ABCs of Gratitude list is listed below. I find it interesting to compare my list to prior years. Looking back, some years had more ups, and other years had more downs. But in the end, I always found 26 blessings. This year is no different. Most of my days have ended with awe inspiring sunsets such as the one taken from my brother’s backyard deck in the country.
My ABCs of Gratitude for 2018
Angels on Duty Anthology…Angel by My Side poem
Board Director…DAR Seminole Chapter
Creative Genius Anthology…My Parkinson’s Muse essay
Dineen…stress buster housekeeper
eBay Seller Plus…1000+ reviews
Fennelly State Poet Laureate…workshop leader
God…providing healing and hope for Judy
Highland Park Anthology…Power Struggle poem
Invigorate…Dr. Sarah King Parkinson’s exercises
Joe…my love, my rock, my partner
Kitties’ 8th Birthday…Grace, Chauncey, Rosebud, Tigger, Boots, Angus
Lake Yellowstone Hotel…mountains and lake room view
Marsha at Perry Consulting…PD website diva
Nieto…compassionate doctor
Okun…internationally known movement disorder specialist
Parkinson’s My Way…website and blog launch
Quietude…meditative nature walks
Reunion…50 year high school class ‘68
School Teacher Mrs. Kice…special visit
Ten Year Anniversary…member Daughters of the American Revolution
Uncles (great) Carl and Rupert…honor sacrifice 100 year WW
Vinnie Ream Award Finalist…Voice Within poetry collection
Wood Stairs…Nic’s skillful renovation
X-rays…caring Active Health Center
Yellowstone National Park…trip with Joe for memory bank
Zeal for Exercise…keeping Parkinson’s at bay
What are you thankful for today and for this year?