Happy Valentine’s Day

We’d make a “Purr”fect Pair

My collection of “cat stuff” includes new and vintage valentines. This die cut valentine is from the 1960s. It folds and stands up.  The back shows Gladys gave the valentine to Mary Ellen. It may have been given at a school valentine party. Remember those!

This week I passed out valentines to health care workers when I had a doctor’s appointment. I gave my doctor a recycled valentine from the 1930s; a classmate had given it to my uncle over 90 years ago.  Another day I gave valentines to employees at my residence. Reactions ranged from “this is the only valentine I will get” to “I want to show this to my wife.” Some people were shocked. Others were intrigued with a recycled card. Conversations turned to memories of their school parties. I had fun celebrating Valentine’s Day.


Welcome to Parkinson’s My Way

Home is behind the world ahead and there are many paths to tread through shadow to the edge of night until the stars are all alight. J R.R. Tolkien

Welcome to Parkinson’s My Way

I have been a teacher and writer for over four decades. When I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 2014, my work and literary world became one with the Parkinson’s world. Isak Dinesen believed “all sorrows can be borne if you tell a story about them”,  and I have found that to be true. Writing has always been my “go-to tool” for facing adversity.

Parkinson’s My Way is how I journey one day to the next with a chronic, progressive degenerative illness by keeping my interests alive. Days are rarely alike. A  variety of interests that still define who I am include antiques, travel, baking, animals, nature, reading, photography, family farm, education and DAR.

Along the way, I discovered a fascinating gift of this perplexing neurological disorder. Studies find some people with Parkinson’s begin a new creative pursuit such as painting, sculpting or writing. For me it is poetry. This website will share “creativity in motion” by showcasing people with Parkinson’s artistic work, as well as mine.

Before PD, my personal mission was “to make a heartfelt difference” and that is unchanged. Through my sharing in Parkinson’s My Way, the intent is to educate, to inspire, and to give hope.  Some posts will deal with Parkinson’s head on. Other times I will bake a cake or recommend a good book!

If just one of you benefits from my thoughts, experiences, recipes, poetry or photography, I will consider this mission a success. Perhaps you have Parkinson’s disease or are a caregiver. Maybe a friend of yours was just diagnosed with PD. Whatever the reason that you are visiting, I welcome you and your comments.



Happy New Year

A Mewsical Party

A word art display advises me to Laugh More and Stress Less. This Tuck postcard featuring amorphized cats makes me laugh. Stress exacerbates Parkinson’s.  Anything I can do to minimize or eliminate stress helps me live my best life now.

Raphael Tuck & Sons used to be the world’s largest postcard publisher. The card company offered a unique history of life in the late 19th and early 20th century.  A series of six cards made up A Mewsical Party. The oilette was produced in Bavaria in 1911 and 1912. It was first published by T.S.N. Dresden in 1852.

During World War II, company headquarters were destroyed including greeting cards, postcards, records and originals. TuckDB Postcards is a non-profit attempting to recreate the lost records.

14th Annual ABCs of Gratitude 2023


A Knight to Remember

2017 Fundraiser SCC Athletic Department         Left brother Larry, me, Coach Knight, brother Steve

“Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls sing.” ~~Marcel Proust

My ABCs of Gratitude for 2023

In keeping with my tradition, here is my gratitude list for 2023. I enjoy the challenge of working with ABCs. But you could use the word Thanksgiving or the initials of your name. Some years I notice a theme. This year nineteen of twenty-six blessings are people ranging from family, friends, relatives, doctors, colleagues, and feline friends.  The list reminds me how important my interactions and relationships are.

Alison and Eleanor…West Palm Beach friends come to visit

Brain Surgery…right and left electrodes powered up

Chand…movement disorder specialist

Donna…best sister ever

eBay customers… love to hear about their collections

Fur Babies…5 of 6 siblings celebrated 13th birthday

Groh…my 91-year-old aunt and cousins visit

Hobby…new pastime designing tablescapes

Interview…Tatianna interview republished by T.J. Banks

Joe…my gem

Knight…saddened legendary Coach Knight is gone, but blessed I met him in 2017

Larry…best brother who taught me devotion and unselfish love

Michelle…dear friend and Northwood University virtual colleague

Neck Dystonia…good-by, thank you DBS

Orange cat…a blessing, I loved you to the moon and back

Personal Assistant…Laurie extraordinary helper

Quiet…17th floor home only has one other tenant

Rose…angel earth kitty who is brave and resilient

Steve…other best brother and the best cat dad ever

Tuttle…person who hired me at Northwood University

University…retired from Northwood with 35 years of service

Vienna Boys Choir…Attend concert at St. Louis Cathedral

Writing… winning 1st for nonfiction entry–Rose and Her Six Kittens

Xadago… Parkinson’s med that keeps me moving

Yams…Thanksgiving menu favorite

Zen…have fleeting moments for which I am blessed

What are you thankful for in 2023?






Happy Valentine’s Day

The Movie Star Look

One of my favorite hobbies is photographing my cats Chauncey, Grace, and Maggie Mae. I also like to go on photo shoots with their siblings when I visit my brother in the country. The tuxedo cat Boots understands  when I say “let’s go on a photo shoot.” He prances, climbs, struts, and sits. He loves to pose and hold a gaze. He is so easy to photograph. I created this card last year from a photo taken in 2018. My brother named him Boots as a kitten and later nicknamed him “Movie Star” after he won an award. I call him Bootsie and simply adore him.

