Happy Valentine’s Day

The Movie Star Look

One of my favorite hobbies is photographing my cats Chauncey, Grace, and Maggie Mae. I also like to go on photo shoots with their siblings when I visit my brother in the country. The tuxedo cat Boots understands  when I say “let’s go on a photo shoot.” He prances, climbs, struts, and sits. He loves to pose and hold a gaze. He is so easy to photograph. I created this card last year from a photo taken in 2018. My brother named him Boots as a kitten and later nicknamed him “Movie Star” after he won an award. I call him Bootsie and simply adore him.



Seminole Annual Benefit Auction

Auction Items

Browse, Bid, Buy

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. ~~Margaret Mead

How about adding  an interesting and worthy event  to your weekend by visiting a virtual auction that supports historic preservation, education and patriotism! Seminole Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (of which I am a proud member) is trying a new way to conduct our annual traditional benefit. We are determined that a pandemic is not going to stop our support to our charitable projects.

The auction is open to everyone through Monday, March 22, 8 PM EDT. You do not have to be a NSDAR member or pay to join the auction. Let your family and friends know. From Swarovski earrings to fitness equipment, butterfly gardening, handwoven shawl and ice cream basket, you will find a wide array of unique selections for all ages. If you are not in the West Palm Beach area, we will ship to you. If you are being out bid, you will be notified and have the opportunity to raise your bid. That has happened to me several times already.  I admit it’s a bit of an adrenaline rush and I bid again!

Please click 2021 Annual Benefit to browse the items up for auction.

Photo Credit: Dara Hatten, Benefit Chair


11th Annual ABCs of Gratitude 2020

Grace Blesses My Office

“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.” ~~ William Arthur Ward

In keeping with my annual Thanksgiving month tradition started in 2010, my ABCs of Gratitude for 2020 are listed below. This pandemic year is unprecedented; however, I still found 26 blessings.

My ABCs of Gratitude for 2020

Alison…friend and nurse practitioner

Black Cats…Halloween display

Chauncey…watching out for me

Deliveries…on my doorstep

eBay…my supporting customers

Friends & Family…their love

Grace…bringing me her toy gifts

Home…my safe haven

Injections…dystonia control

Joe… grocery shopping since March

Kitchen…creating new and easy dishes

Library…2 blocks from my house

Maggie Mae…beloved Tortie makes me laugh

Nature…calming effect

Oregano…thriving in my wee garden

Parkinson’s Team…awesome professionals

Quiet Time…to just be

Rest…knowing when I need to pause

Solitude…renewing my spirit

Treasurer…Daughters of American Revolution

University…still working with students

Victory…staying safe and well during COVID-19

Walking…a favorite way to keep moving

Xadago…a new Parkinson’s med

Yellow Mums…punch of color at my front door

Zoom…staying connected during pandemic

What are you thankful for today and for this year?



Memories of My Father

My favorite photo of my father and me goes way back to 1953.  He was thirty-five and I was three-years- old. He was dressed in his favorite attire as baseball was his life’s passion. Later I understood hitting a baseball was his God given talent. This sport made its way into my heart. When I  remember my father, baseball is always part of the memory bank.