Dear Parkinson’s Membership Chair

Dear Parkinson’s Membership Chair,

You have done it again!
You have recruited
another new member.
I did not intend to join this group.
Isn’t one million people in the United States
with Parkinson’s enough?
On May 13, 2014,
you officially notified me.
Not you exactly.
But I suspect
you were lurking in the neurologist’s office.
I want to inform you that I will not be an active member.
Take me off all distribution and call lists.
I do not want to be an officer or committee chair.
I do not want any newsletters, emails, or phone calls.
Do not waste your time on wearing me down.
I have a life to live in semi-retirement
and that is what I intend to do.
I will not be defined
by this chronic degenerative disease.
I will invest
in my care today and not
worry about tomorrow.
I will assemble my personal board of stellar advisers:
movement disorder specialist,
physical therapist,
occupational therapist,
massage therapist,
speech therapist,
Tai Chi instructor,
yoga instructor, and
PD support group.
Together, we will heal my Parkinson’s disease day by day.
I will help other recruits.
I will be a beacon.
I will be grateful.
I will pray.
Living and loving life,

Linda A. Mohr

Photo Credit: David Travis


    • Karen Bryson on August 7, 2018 at 4:15 pm
    • Reply

    I really love this message Linda. Especially where you state that ‘together’ we will heal our Parkinson’s disease day by day. That puts a smile on my face 😊

    1. Thank you Karen. Yes, I’m fond of that line as well. Without my deep and wide support system, I would not be doing what I am today! I appreciate you taking the time to visit the post. Let’s keep on smiling!!

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