
A bee on a white wild flower


When I was growing up, my mother took us wild flower hunting in the spring. In April of 2017,  I was at the Missouri farm and decided to reenact the adventure. Usually I visit in summer, fall and winter, so finding wild flowers was a treat. I have long forgotten the name of this plant, but there was no question about the bee!


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    • on June 5, 2018 at 12:39 pm
    • Reply

    Linda: Just went through your website again. Beautiful and inspiring! Will have more to say later. Meanwhile hope you are having a wonderful photographic experience out west. Love, Guest 123

    1. Thank you for visiting! I look forward to sharing Yellowstone National Park photographs.

    • Janice Rowan on July 17, 2018 at 9:30 pm
    • Reply

    Linda, I am very impressed with your visually warm and inviting website with beautiful images that has much to offer those who visit. Your personal story about your PD diagnosis stirred memories of my own and also reminded me of the shock and raw emotions that engulfed me when hearing those words “Parkinson’s Disease!”… I also love your quote and image of the week concept! Your short story relating to the Suppertime image again resonated with me by evoking early childhood memories of me and my siblings collecting wild freesias that appeared every Spring at a favourite haunt “Kangaroo Hill”. Congratulations on such a wonderful site to share, inspire and give hope to the Parkinson’s community!
    🌷Janice Rowan

    1. Janice, Wow! Thank you so much for your feedback on many parts of the website. I appreciate you taking time to explore. Kangaroo Hill sounds enchanting! I wish you the best on your Parkinson’s journey. Blessings! Linda

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